● Project Quality Management is a continuous process within the project's context.
● Quality as a delivered performance or result is "the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfill requirements".
Grade as a design intent is a category assigned to deliverables having the same functional use but different technical characteristics. Quality level that fails is always a Problems; Low grade of quality may not be a problem.
For example:
- It may not be a problem if a low-grade software product (lack of features) but high quality (no obvious defects/bugs, readable manual). 一個低等級(功能有限)、高質量(無明顯缺陷,用戶手冊易讀的軟件產品,也許不是問題。
- It may be a problem if a high-grade software product (many features) but low quality (many defects, poorly organized user documentation). It's resulting ineffective and/or inefficient due to its low quality.
Importance of quality management
- Understand requirements and customer needs.
- Prevention over inspection - The cost of preventing mistakes is less than the cost of correcting mistakes when they are found by inspection or during usage.
- Continuous Improvement
- Management Responsibility
- Cost of Quality (COQ) - COQ refers to the total cost of the conformance work and the nonconformance work.
質量成本是指一致性工作和非一致性工作的總成本。一致性工作是為預防工作出錯而做的附加努力,非一致性工作是為糾正已經出現的錯誤而做的附加努力。質量工作的成本在可交付成果的整個生命周期中都可能發生。項目結束後,也可能因產品退貨、保養而發生“後項目質量成本”。(Post-project quality costs)
PMO should follow up the post-project COQ, e.g review, funding allocations etc.
8.1 Plan Quality Management Seven Basic Quality tools
● The seven basic quality tools, also known in the industry as 7QC Tools, are used within the context of the PDCA Cycle to solve quality-related problems.
- Cause-and-effect diagrams (因果圖,又稱魚骨圖或石川圖)
- Flowcharts
- Checksheets
- Pareto diagrams
- Histograms
- Control charts
- Scatter diagrams
●Design of Experiments (DOE)
PMBOK don't have clearly explain, but see Fundamental Concepts of DOE & Design of Experiments for Software Testing, it's most likely Unit Test, functional breakdown, test case and assert etc.
8.1.3 Plan Quality Management: OutPuts
Quality Metrics - A quality metric specifically describes a project or product attribute and how the control quality process will measure it. A measurement is an actual value. The tolerance defines the allowable variations to the metric. For example, if the quality objective is to stay within the approved budget by ± 10%, the specific quality metric is used to measure the cost of every deliverable and determine the percent variance from the approved budget for that deliverable.
Quality Checklists - A checklist is a structured tool, usually component-specific, used to verify that a set of required steps has been performed.
8.2 Perform Quality Assurance
Tools and Techniques - Quality Management and Control Tools
- Affinity diagrams
- Process decision program charts (PDPC)
- Interrelationship digraphs
- Tree diagrams
- Prioritization matrices
- Activity network diagrams
- Matrix diagrams
8.3 Control Quality
● Control Quality is the process of monitoring and recording results of executing the quality activities to assess performance and recommend necessary changes.
The key benefits of this process include:
- Identifying the causes of poor process or product quality and recommending and/or taking action to eliminate them.
- Validating that project deliverables and work meet the requirements specified by key stakeholders necessary for final acceptance.
● The Control Quality process uses a set of operational techniques and tasks to verify:
- Prevention(保證過程中不出現錯誤) and inspection(保證錯誤不落到客戶手中)
- Attribute sampling and variables sampling
Attribute Sampling vs. Variable Sampling Attribute sampling: Discrete or attribute data can only measured by categories (like yes/no, true/false, pass/fail etc.) or intervals (like absolute rank, educational level, types etc.)
Attribute data cannot be further divided, for example if I say I have 10 students who are either taking a math class or a science class, there will be no student who would be taking 50% of the match class and 50% of the science class. Variable sampling: Variable or continuous data can be further divided into more classifications and that will still have meaning. For example if I measure temperature for two rooms, 22F and 23F respectively, this does not mean that a temperature of 22.2F or 22.5F cannot be recorded. - Tolerances (容錯率) and Control Limits (控制穩定界限)